Meet Toby Strogatz

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Toby Strogatz has been a certified Positive Psychologist Practitioner and Life Coach for nearly a decade. She received her certification through the Happiness Studies Academy founded by Tal Ben-Shahar.

Toby’s mission is to share with the world what she has come to realize in her own life—happiness is a journey. There was a point in her life where Toby felt lost and unsure of what steps to take next—a state of consciousness in which many find themselves at various junctures in their lives. She has encountered life experiences that motivated her to find clarity about who she is, what she wants in life, and what it will take to achieve it.

Toby shares that the only way to embark on the journey towards true fulfillment is to have a purpose. To find your purpose, you must have a passion, and you must be committed to that passion. Once your purpose, passion, and commitment align, you are well on your way to a happier, more fulfilled You.

The journey to seeing your dreams fulfilled is one that requires a belief in yourself. The path towards that destination can only be traversed by experiencing a deep connection with who you are and a full comprehension of who you want to be. Toby uses her expertise to aid you in deep introspection, helping you gain clarity of your goals and aspirations. Once those have been realized and embraced, the sky is the limit!

Toby Strogatz is a life-changer and a dream-believer. She will walk alongside you on your journey as your mentor, coach, and champion.

Next Step: Happiness