Book Toby

Toby is an established speaker, coach and mentor who works with groups and individuals via Zoom or in person. Popular with community, wellness and women’s groups, Toby engages attendees to understand the specific challenges that they face, empowering them to meet their life goals.

She is available for the following:

Next Step: Happiness

A six-week, one-hour series of workshops
Group size: minimum 10; maximum 20

In-person or virtual

$60 per person; payable by the organization before initial session

Participants will be invited to share their personal experiences and practical strategies for overcoming roadblocks to happiness. This class is ideal for community-based settings where people can gather comfortably and privately. Graduates of the group workshop will receive 10% off small group and private sessions.

Finding Happiness

A six-week, one-hour series of workshops

Group size: minimum 2; maximum 9

In-person or virtual

$180 per person; payable before initial session

This class is ideal for friends or families who share values and ideals but feel stymied by elements beyond their control. Supporting, empowering and learning to be each other’s champions will be key elements of the session. Graduates of the small group workshop will receive 10% off private sessions.

Discovering You

A six-week, one-hour, virtual series of private sessions

$300; payable before initial session

Individuals will receive one-on-one attention to discuss viable approaches to challenges and help put things in perspective. Developing habits of optimism, eschewing negativity, and shaping one’s future will be discussed. This class is ideal for individuals who want and need a life coach.

Payment accepted via Venmo or PayPal.